What are the top trends for 2011 and how will they impact your editorial team?
Marnette Falley, content director for Advanstar’s veterinary group, has led the editorial team’s transitions in what has been a period of dramatic changes and challenges. Today the editorial team she heads develops multimedia content for outside project clients, builds web sites, hosts webinars, delivers on-demand education, and more. The editorial team has finalists in four Neal Award categories this year, spanning print, web, and e-newsletters. And dvm360 is also a finalist for Best Website in the Min Best of the Web Awards.
Keith Nunes, executive editor of
Food Business News, oversees a multimedia b-to-b platform that includes print, web and social media components. In his role with the publication owned by Sosland Publishing Co, he is charged with its determining the editorial direction and exploring ways in which the Food Business News content, as well as the content developed by other Sosland publications, may be used to drive new sources of revenue.
Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Time: Noon to 1:30 p.m.
Andy’s Wok
6357 W. 119th Street
Overland Park, KS 66209
Cost: $20 for ASBPE members; $25 for nonmembers. Cash accepted as well as checks payable to ASBPE.
To register: Contact Jeff Gelski, president of the Kansas City chapter, at 816-756-1000 ext. 867 or
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